Produce Breakthrough Conversions, Better ROAS & Bigger AOVs With Empathy-Triggering Stories

When we use my Psychic Storywriting™ Conversion Process…

Your story… your customer’s stories… and the UGC/CGC we use make prospects self-identify with your offer. So they’re excited about finally addressing the REAL problem… ONLY you can help them solve.

That’s how you get breakthrough conversions, better ROAS, and bigger AOVs. And build your brand.

Want to discover empathy-triggering stories to scale your business?

Shoot me a message right away

Brings a ton of storytelling and converting knowhow to the table

+1 for Mani. He has a ton of heart and passion… that most copywriters absolutely do not have.

I’m working with him on a project now. Brings a ton of storytelling and converting knowhow to the table.

Mark Pescetti

10-figure, A-list, Control-Beating Copywriter

Clients That LOVED Working With Me
Clients That HATED Me

Have you ever watched “The Matrix”?

Neo is the mythical “ONE.” He sees the true nature of the Matrix like no other. He sees through the illusion, so WE can see the truth. His story; his Hero’s Journey drew us all into the story… and into our own innate NEED to escape the matrix.

In a very real sense… that’s exactly what I do for your prospects:

I help them escape the matrix of your competition’s inferior solutions.

When I step into your business, I get DEEP into the stories prospects tell about the problems they experience. Then I mirror their stories… starting in the very first line of the ad or email that MAKES them click or tap through to your landing page. That’s how I use Psychic Storywriting™ to make prospects CARE and CONVERT, predictably! 

You beat an A listers copy, take that in

His storytelling skills were top-notch, which resulted in good engagement and sales.

Mani came strongly recommended by our previous copywriter. Yet, we tested on few others and finally chose him.

Because, unlike other copywriters, he really cared about getting the best results and looking at data to determine what works best.

And oh boy, we totally loved his emails. His storytelling skills were top-notch, which resulted in good engagement and sales. Definitely one of the best copywriters out there!

Gary Torrens


He has produced copy that generates leads and sales.

I’ve worked with Manivannan on several occasions.

Not only has he produced content that now generates thousands of organic views on Google. He has produced copy that generates leads and sales.

Great to work with. Polite, follows instructions without the need for hand holding and he really cares about the end result.

If you need content or copy, give him a shout.

Andrew Holland


I read the “Marry Me?” Email and I think that’s absolutely FREAKING genius!

Arfa Saira Iqbal

9-figure direct response marketer

Hey, first of all, you’ve done a fcuking brilliant job, man. I’m really impressed. This is really, nicely written. Fantastic job!

Lavan Jeyarupalingam

7-figure direct response copywriter

7 Telltale Signs Your Prospects Don’t CARE
About What You Sell

(These 7 Things Are My Conversion Checklist)

You want to scale or keep scaling, right? So what happened? Well, it isn’t talked about enough… but it’s all about conversions-to-impressions. You see, when you convert more impressions, your ad is scaling. When you’re converting fewer impressions, your ad isn’t working or fatiguing (aka on the decline.)

You can still have a 3x ROAS… but once your conversions-to-impressions ratio is down, or fails to gain traction… your ads (and likely your account) are on the decline. So whether you’re just launching or you’ve been profitably running cold traffic ads to your offer for years… seeing a lack (or dip) in sales is inevitable (even with the best creative.)

Here’s the thing… your audience never lies.

They’re telling you exactly what they think about your creative-whether it’s your ads, sales pages or VSLs:

Wrong Positioning

Dog Whistle Language Disconnect

Absence of clear mechanism aka “how it works for me!”

You didn’t tell prospects all the reasons why past solutions, failed

Ads work, landing page drops the ball (or vice versa)

Bounce rate spikes

Lower CTRs

Those are signs that SCREAM your prospects don’t CARE that you care. The REAL REASON they ignore your marketing? You come across like every other business. Your prospects SEE through your boring, over-the-top, cheesy, hypey, or fake stories. Deep down, they FEEL like, “I don’t trust you.”

So if you CARE about helping your prospects, I will make sure your prospects CARE about your offer.

The Ginger Tea Fuelled Story Guy

How do I make your audience CARE?

(So they buy what you sell)

1. Mirror people’s stories

When prospects SEE themselves in your stories and IMMERSE themselves in your marketing narratives, you’ll INFLUENCE them subconsciously. Because stories change the physiology of human bodies and impact them on a cellular level. With real stories, you don’t have to PERSUADE prospects to buy your offer. Instead, they’ll persuade themselves… when you connect with the story THEY are telling… through the story WE help them see themselves in. That’s HOW we (you and I) inspire your prospects to whip out their credit cards.

2. Positioning

Like a psychic, your positioning should make people feel like you’re in their heads.  It should hit the high water mark of emotions and stories people are telling and help them INSTANTLY care for your offer. When people pay attention and discover your story, your customers, and your NEW way of solving their problem like never before… it constantly triggers their DOPAMINE. So they get pumped up to discover MORE and buy what you sell.

3. Demonstrate Your USP & Mechanism

Your prospects have tried many other options…(Sorry, you’re not the first!) “So why should I trust you when everything else FAILED me?” That’s what sophisticated prospects ask silently. That means you gotta tell HOW you’re different from everyone they met before…and WHY your offer works…When you show how & why your offer works…your prospects will let you pass through their subconscious red flag checks and happily say, “Take my money. NOW!”

Want to discover how I make your prospects care?

Shoot me a message right away

I should say that only after our call, we became too conscious about what features of our product can be projected as USP

It was just an hour’s session with Mani. I came with very little expectations. But it turned out to be an awesome session on USP. During the conversation, I could understand the kind of background work he had done about our product, before giving me that one-hour slot.

Before his consultation call, we weren’t clear about our USP. I should say that only after our call, we became too conscious about what features of our product can be projected as USP. We got clarity on exactly which feature to highlight as our USP.

Also, I had quite a few eye-openers during that chat. Definitely talk to him if your business has a USP problem.

Look forward to working with you more, Mani.

Gopal Seetharaman

Founder MPULSE

You’ll be surprised at the amazing level of output that he generates. And he never fails to overdeliver.

After the success of the TITT story-writing workshop, I came to know about Mani’s 4-hour USP intensive. It’s simply the BEST way to identify your unique positioning. I loved how Mani walked me through his step-by-step framework. Making it so easy to realise and communicate our unique strengths.

His background research work was so detailed and thorough. He completely exceeded my expectations.

I walked away with absolute clarity on my USP, offer, and how to position myself in the market.

I’d surely recommend working with him because:

1. He has a proven and easy framework to nail the USP in 4 hours or so.
2. He is crystal clear on how to write in a manner that will be more persuasive.
2. He is a magician of words who can simplify and make you stand out in the crowd.

You’ll be surprised at the amazing level of output that he generates. And he never fails to overdeliver.

Manohar Gandhi

Author – My Sleepless Night

Biz Owners Turn To Me When They
Want Their Prospects To CARE
About What They Sell…
With My Pshychic™ Storywriting

(that truly, deeply & predictably connect & convert)

Oh, Damn…Where Are My Good Manners?

I’m Mani Sadasivam, and I CARE for the people in my life and business. 

Back in 2009, I promised my brother I’d financially support him until he published a book. It took him 10 years. And only 10 years later I know he had schizophrenia. I still kept my promise.

In fact, that promise is what led me to become a top copywriter in the world. Because I had to support him and my own family. And the ONLY way to do that was to discover how to help people like you generate  higher profits (than everyone else.)

I started my career as a copywriter waaaaay back in 2006. And in 2010, I quit my well-paying job as a copywriter after one of those “awakening mental episodes”.

Since then…

I’ve worked with some of the top names in the health industry – making them millions in revenue with my Psychic Storywriting™.  I’ve even made 5-figure paydays for my clients & 4-figure paydays for myself with the stories I write.

And in all these 16 years, I have had zero unhappy clients. Because:

1. I CARE for their success
2. I ONLY work with clients I can truly help

Now, that you know a little bit about my story, let’s connect to see HOW stories can help you… help the people you WILL help the most.

Here’s how can I help you, help many people
(and make the most money)


“I got your back”
Packages start from

From VSLs to sales pages, advertorials, ads, and emails, I can strategically weave stories and write copy that predictably CONVERTS…by understanding the deeper core of the problem you solve, demonstrating your mechanism and USP, and triggering dopamine. When you and I work together, you don’t just get Phase 1 – where I write your copy. But you get Phase 2, where I stand with you to analyze and respond to data… until YOU are winning

His copy resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue for clients.

I know Mani both as a colleague and as a mentor.

The digital marketing team at BORN Group hired Mani to help us create copy for some of our key clients. He was quick to digest the nitty gritty of each brand. The emails, landing pages, ad copy, and video scripts that he wrote significantly improved campaign effectiveness, resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue for clients.

Govind C

Digital Alchemist and Storyteller

Brain For Hire

“Get expert insights on-demand”
Packages start from
$1597 for 90 mins

Get INSTANT ideas to generate more cash flow for your business. If you’re stuck and need actionable insights, then you’re welcome to pick my ginger-tea marketing wisdom-soaked brain. I’ll hold nothing back to help you resolve the most challenging problems in your business.  From marketing strategies to offer creation to copy consultation, I can share a LOT of insights to generate more moolah for your business.

How I spent 15 mins to get $7748.80 ROI for my client (Click to Read)

How my client got a $2164 ROI for just 17 minutes of my time (Click to Read)

He goes out of his way give value above and beyond what he’s promised

I Produce Video Ads for 6, 7 & 8 figure Brands for their Ecommerce. Was looking to improve the results which our ads brought for our cleints. So i approached Mani for a session on Emotion driven storytelling through copywriting.

Thank you Mani for the wonderful and insightful session. Got a very deep dive into the topic of emotion based copywriting. At my first try of using it, my client immediately said that it was huge jump into the understanding of marketing fundamentals and loved the output. Highly recommend Manivannan Sadasivam for all your copy based projects & if you want to learn,, he goes out of his way give value above and beyond what he’s promised. Thank you so much Mani

Umar Ahmed

Founder Design Digital Studios

Want to find how I can help you?

Shoot me a message right away

Our Collaboration Storyboard

The Handshake

We hop on a call, and I’ll understand your offer, your bottlenecks, and goals and if we are a good fit we move forward. Or, I’d point to the right person or resources if possible.

The Blueprint

Once we decide to move forward, I’ll audit your funnel and lay out the exact strategies and steps we need to take to make your offer a blockbuster.

The Dirty Work

From research to interviewing and auditing your competitors, I will take everything off your plate so we find REAL marketing gold(aka stories, testable angles, positioning)  for your business.

The Deliverables

I write and deliver the copy we both agreed to.

The Show

You test the copy, and I’ll analyze the data and optimize the results until you win.

The Climax Beginning

It’s time to open your champagne while I drink my ginger tea and maybe talk about our next winning collaboration

Clients’ Wall of Love

Arfa Saira Iqbal
9-Figure Direct Response Marketer and Agency Owner

Marketer and Agency Owner

He sells my idea better than me

I was searching for a copywriter for a long time and finally found Manivannan. I’m glad I did. Earlier our website bounce rate was almost 80%

Now it has dropped to 5%. And we got uplift of 28% conversion rate. I even told him that he sells my idea better than me

Anilkumar Ghorakavi


What I like with Mani is that he takes his time to understand what exactly you need, questions you in detail and then he nails it.

We are working with Mani since 2020 and so far everything we have worked on was delivered on the professional level and within timeframes.

What I like with Mani is that he takes his time to understand what exactly you need, questions you in detail and then he nails it. Highly recommended!

Peter Selekar

CEO, Dinetix

His landing page copy got 14 lakh INR sales in 90 days.

We hired Manivannan for writing the copy of a landing page. We liked the way he did his research for writing the copy. What’s even better, the landing page got 14 lakh INR sales in 90 days. The way he reflects the pain points of the target audience through his copy is simply brilliant!

He delivered on time. Bonus points for offering great insights to ensure the copy was designed in a conversion-friendly manner. Manivannan is our go-to copywriter when it comes to writing copy that converts.”

Vinod Parameswaran

Co-Founder, Hoper Digital

I would highly recommend Mani to anyone who is looking for someone to help them improve their website and online presence.

Mani is an expert in his field and has an eye for detail that is truly remarkable. He is able to identify areas of my website that needed improvement and provided clear and actionable feedback that helped me to make my site more effective and impactful.

Not only is Mani highly skilled, but he are also a pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend Mani to anyone who is looking for someone to help them improve their website and online presence. His knowledge, expertise, and attention to detail are truly unmatched, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work with him again in the future.

Adam Fineberg

Founder, Rock My Resume

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P.S. Look I got fans who also religiously follow Alen Sultanic, unarguably the greatest marketer alive. So if you’re not following me or on my email list, well your loss. Lol